The Ocean and Climate Change Dialogue 2022


UNFCCC Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice

Publication Year:



UNFCC SBSTA. "Ocean and climate change dialogue 2022 Informal summary report by the Chair of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice." 2022.


The ocean dialogue was mandated by the Conference of the Parties at its twenty-sixth session and took place on 15 June 2022. The dialogue highlighted the vital importance of the ocean to livelihoods and biodiversity and as a fundamental component of the climate system, while highlighting the need, options and opportunities for greater ocean-related climate action. Discussions were centered around how to strengthen and integrate national ocean climate action under the Paris Agreement and how to enable ocean climate solutions and support, including financial support. This informal summary report provides key messages and a summary of proceedings as well as ways forward identified in the dialogue.

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