Securing a Long-Term Future for Coral Reefs
Ove Hoegh-Guldberg, Emma V. Kennedy, Hawthorne L. Beyer, Caleb McClennen, and Hugh P. Possingham
Publication Year:
Hoegh-Guldberg, Ove, Emma V. Kennedy, Hawthorne L. Beyer, Caleb McClennen, and Hugh P. Possingham. “Securing a Long-Term Future for Coral Reefs.” Trends in Ecology & Evolution 33, no. 12 (2018): 936–44.
Even if the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement are achieved, coral reefs are likely to decline by 70–90% relative to their current abundance by midcentury. Although alarming, coral communities that survive will play a key role in the regeneration of reefs by mid-to-late century. In this study, the authors argue for a coordinated, global coral reef conservation strategy that is centered on 50 large (500 km2) regions that are the least vulnerable to climate change and which are positioned to facilitate future coral reef regeneration.
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