A Fair Share of Biodiversity Finance
Laetitia Pettinotti, Yue Cao, Tony Kamninga and Sarah Colenbrander
Publication Year:
Pettinotti, L., Cao, Y., Kamninga, T. and Colenbrander, S. (2024) A fair share of biodiversity finance? Apportioning responsibility for the $20 billion target by 2025. ODI Working Paper. London: ODI (https://odi.org/en/about/our-work/a-fair-share-of-biodiversity-finance)
This report from ODI and the Campaign for Nature analyzes the fair share each signatory of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework must pay to equitably reach the Framework's goal of facilitating 20 billion USD in annual flows from developed countries to developing countries.
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