Fisheries management impacts on target species status
Melnychuk, Michael C., Emily Peterson, Matthew Elliott, and Ray Hilborn
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Melnychuk, Michael C., Emily Peterson, Matthew Elliott, and Ray Hilborn, “Fisheries Management Impacts on Target Species Status.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114, no. 1 (2016): 178-83, doi:10.1073/ pnas.1609915114.
At a global level, it is unclear which particular management attributes have greatest influence on the status of fished populations, and also unclear which external factors affect the overall success of fisheries management systems. This study used expert surveys to characterize the management systems by species of 28 major fishing nations and examined influences of economic, geographic, and fishery-related factors. A Fisheries Management Index, which integrated research, management, enforcement, and socioeconomic attributes, showed wide variation among countries and was strongly affected by per capita gross domestic product (positively) and capacity-enhancing subsidies (negatively).
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