Opportunities for Ocean-Climate Action in the United States: Summary for Policymakers
Mark Michelin, Emily Peterson, John B. Thomas, Molly Croll, Antonius Gagern, Lydia Kapsenberg, Max Levine, and Forrest Lewis
Publication Year:
Michelin, M., et al. 2020. “Opportunities for Ocean-Climate Action in the United States: Summary for Policymakers.” Report. San Francisco, CA: CEA Consulting. Available online at: www.oursharedseas.com/oceanclimateaction.
This Summary for Policymakers provides a synopsis of the report, "Opportunities for Ocean-Climate Action in the United States," which represents a first-ever quantification of the potential for ocean-based climate solutions in the United States. The report was prepared by CEA Consulting and commissioned by the David and Lucile Packard Foundation. It provides a U.S.-level lens to build upon similar analysis conducted at the global level by the High Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy, summarized in "The Ocean as a Solution to Climate Change: Five Opportunities for Action."
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