Building off the momentum generated by last year’s Ocean Super Year, 2023 has proven to be equally eventful for the ocean action agenda. Taking stock of the flurry of activity on the ocean policy agenda is increasingly important to set priorities and ensure recent momentum is maintained. From the landmark agreement to protect 30 percent of the ocean by 2030 to the formalization of the UN-hosted Ocean and Climate Change Dialogue to agreement on a High Seas Treaty, the past year saw significant progress across climate, biodiversity, and fisheries. But, the enormous blue wave of ocean action that generated successful policy wins and international agreements in 2022 and the first half of 2023 now demands perhaps an even bigger effort to turn progress into practice on the water.

Our Shared Seas prepared two companion guides to help the ocean community easily track this year’s policy agenda and key upcoming meetings.

Insights on Field-Level Priorities for Ocean Policy in 2023

This document features insights and reflections on key takeaways from 2022’s “Ocean Super Year” and identifies core policy priorities in 2023. Additionally, several experts provide their perspective on emerging themes that point to where momentum is flowing or needed.

2023 Guide to Key Ocean Events

This guide chronologically lists ocean-related meetings and conferences in 2023. For the first half of the year, we provide a brief recap of the event and key takeaways. For upcoming events, we include a brief description of objectives and anticipated goals.

Download the guides today for the latest state of play on the ocean agenda.